Win a Disklok!!

£0.99 Per Ticket

Winner is: tigger_stripes12

Ticket number: 219 Answer: London

well done


About This Competition

Win a Disklok!! Perfect for keeping your vehicle safe!

Don’t fancy the DiskLok? You can take the cash alternative of £120 Instead!

Guaranteed Draw Regardless Of Ticket Sales!

Competition Ends-26th August at 8pm

Live Facebook Draw-26th August from 8.10pm

You can choose what size-small medium or large

About the DiskLok

With a proven track record spanning three decades, the distinctive design of Disklok has consistently delivered market leading performance in vehicle security. Unlike typical steering wheel locks, Disklok doesn’t grip the wheel; instead, it effectively encloses it. This unique approach serves as a crucial defence against traditional attacks, making leverage nearly impossible. Consequently, the built-in steering wheel lock of the vehicle is safeguarded, making manoeuvring exceedingly challenging should entry be gained.

Crafted with all-steel construction and boasting a stellar reputation, Disklok serves as a powerful visual deterrent against both traditional and keyless entry theft methods.